Sunday, December 27, 2015

Currently reading

Santa brought me this book and I'm enjoying it so far.  No mention of butter or sugar and it keeps me from thinking about all the holiday food I've enjoyed! (I'm looking at you Meredith and your crafty treats!) 

Merry Christmas

Hope you had a wonderful holiday!  Horses are the big thing around here! 


My friend Meredith is crafty.  She made me this stuff...and I haven't shared it with anyone in my house... and it's almost gone.  I might just lick the insides of the mason jar when it's all said and done.  Yep, this stuff is legit.  But calories don't count because it's the holidays right? 

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Saturday, December 12, 2015

Thomas and friends!

Lee Ann is suddenly captivated and obsessed with trains and the show "Thomas and Friends".  It's a very big deal.  


For a brief moment they played together today and Henry could not have been happier.  

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Big guy

This guy has really started to grow up the past few weeks. Sometimes I think Henry has growth spurts just during nap time.  He's becoming quite a big guy and wants to do everything his sister is doing.  

Chex Mix

I spent nap time today making holiday treats for the neighbors.  I may or may not have consumed a large portion of this Chex mix.  Ugh. So. Good. 

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Christmas photo

There was a lot of blood, sweat and tears involved in getting a decent Christmas card photo this year. After a lot of crying and meltdowns, we had one shot...just one...of both children looking at the camera fully dressed, mostly smiling and without food on themselves.  I'm gonna call it a victory.  (Of course if you zoom in you can tell Henry has drool all over his jumper and probably needs a diaper change...but again...calling this one a win!) 

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Currently reading

Started this book last night.  Yes, I am still successfully avoiding those toddler discipline books.  So far this one is hilarious...and a very easy read.  Way more fun than reading about toddler behavior.  

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Matching outfits

I put both kids in matching outfits on Friday - determined to take a cute photo!  However, nobody would look at the camera at the same time.  Shocking I know. 

Fire truck party

Lee Ann had a birthday party this weekend at the local firestation.  She had a blast!  I think her favorite part was really the station's Dalmatian dog.  

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

New shoes (Lee Ann edition)

Lee Ann has some new shoes and they have cats on them.  I can't begin to describe how big of a hit these are.  They are too big right now...but she desperately wants to wear them screaming "Meow shoes!" If they were more practical I would consider getting her a pair she could wear this second...but these aren't really school shoes.  

Fashion first

It's slightly cooler here - so naturally we are pulling out all winter clothes.  Ha!  Here are the kiddos in their Patagonia vests.  I discovered these puffer vests last year when Lee Ann would NOT put on a coat!  (Henry is talking in his photo - which is why it looks like he is screaming.  I promise he is not.) 

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

"Mommy's Shoes"

Lee Ann's thing right now is to wear my shoes around the house.  She puts them on and screams "mommy's shoes!" at the top of her lungs.  It's all fun and games until she trips.  


These turkeys had a fun Halloween experience.  It was Lee Ann's first attempt at trick or treating...she's didn't really understand it, but she thought saying hello to people was fun.  

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Rainy day fun

It's been raining a lot the past week.  This makes for restless children.  We got out and went to Costco  and ended up at home playing with diaper boxes.  Lee Ann fell in love with this stuffed horse.


My mother's birthday was last week and we celebrated with a dinner.  Lee Ann and Henry partied all night.  Lee Ann also got out every single pot holder my mother owns.

Wednesday, October 21, 2015


This cookbook arrived yesterday and I've been pouring through it drooling over all the recipes.  There is a whole chapter dedicated to freezer meals and I'm determined to set time aside next weekend to make a couple and stock up on freezer dinner options.  

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

New shoes

I have been and always will be a shoes (and handbags) kind of girl.  Some girls love new makeup, others like jewelry...but shoes just do something for me.  Case in point - I bought Henry new shoes yesterday and sent my husband several photos/texts of said shoes taken from different angles.  I waited anxiously by the phone for a response like "excellent" or "super cool".  Nothing.  Radio silence.  Crickets.  When he got home I pounced on him asking if he had seen them and all he said was "yeah".  Humph.  Here are the shoes and Henry modeling them at Whole Foods. 

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Rising strong

This is my current read and I am REALLY enjoying it.  Rising Strong is all about embracing our mistakes and getting back up...very inspiring.  It's very self help oriented so if that's not your bag then this is not for you.  

Bacon Buns

Monday was my husbands birthday and he asked for one thing - bacon buns.  If you have never had one let me tell are missing out.  They are in a word amazing.  They are basically a brioche role stuffed with a chopped bacon and onion mixture.  They are also not on my eating plan.  (Hello four pounds of bacon and one pound of butter.). I spent most of Sunday making them and it's Thursday but my house still smells like bacon.  Yum.

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Big guy

This guy just keeps getting bigger and cuter.  

Zoo Day!

We all went to the zoo on Friday for a morning visit.  Lee Ann had a blast.  It's been six months since we went in the spring and you could really see her appreciation this go round.  We can't wait to go back! 

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Time out

Recently we have been doing "time out" with Lee Ann when she misbehaves.  (Hitting, scratching, throwing random things at her brother, etc.)  This weekend she was hitting her brother and we put her in the corner and made her count to ten.  Henry was pretty worried about her and he crawled over to comfort her.

Friday, October 2, 2015

Lunch of champions

It's Friday and it's been a long week with a sick baby and moody toddler.  I deserve chocolate.  Trying not to eat the whole bag.  

The face

This is the face of a kid who is NOT pleased when I present him with veggies.  

Wednesday, September 30, 2015


Lee Ann did this all on her own today.  I turned my head for a second and she took it upon herself to feed Henry.  I was SO proud.  Then she threw a book at him in the car.  Small victories. Sigh. 

Saturday, September 26, 2015

Sweet siblings...for the moment

There was an impromptu moment at the grocery store today where Lee Ann decided she should hug Henry.  He was thrilled!  Of course, she threw her crayons at him when we got home.  

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Cat coloring

In case you were wondering, Cat/Meow Meow also likes to participate in coloring.  

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Sick lady

Well, it was bound to happen...our first trip to the urgent care clinic last night.  Fortunately, we are on the mend...but we spent some 3 hours yesterday evening meeting all the nice nurses and watching a lot of Disney channel and Olivia the pig.  When we came home for a later dinner,  Lee Ann proceeded to "take care" of Cat and feed him. She kept saying "good boy".  


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