Friday, December 9, 2016

Swimmer Life

Lee Ann passed her survival swim class today and everyone is pretty excited.  

Big Boy Bed

Henry moved to a big boy bed a couple of weeks ago and it was a very big deal.  He wants so much to be like his big sister.  He's quite proud to crawl in there every night.  

Foodie Book

This was a fantastic read!  Memoirs of the former editor of Gormet Magazine...she cooks as therapy and there are some amazing recipes.  

Thanksgiving Fun

Happy Thanksgiving very late from all the Jurkus Turkeys!

Saturday, September 17, 2016

Zoo fun

We braved the zoo and the heat last week and Henry had a blast.  I think he liked the construction part with all the trucks the best.

Back to school

Everyone is excited to be back in Mother's Day Out!


It's so hot outside and I am so ready for fall.  We tend to go out to the park and play outside in the mornings but stay at home in the air conditioning in the afternoon.  Movies are a treat and Lee Ann has become obsessed with Oompa Loompas from the original Willy Wonka movie.

Saturday, August 13, 2016


A treehouse/ swing set arrived for the kids today.  It was a big deal!  When it finally drops out of the 90s we will have a blast with this outside. 

Grown up!

I woke up and everyone has grown up!  What a difference summer makes!

Sunday, July 3, 2016

Finding Dory

Lee Ann went to see Finding Dory with her dad on Friday.  It was very exciting and a big deal to go to the movie theater.  


Trying some of the new Goop skincare products.  Maybe I can have skin like Gwyneth Paltrow if I use these and eat only perfect organic food! 

Friday, May 20, 2016

Outside time

We have had a lot of rain lately, so every moment we can get outside we make the most of it. 

Saturday, April 16, 2016

It's All Easy

Speaking of eating well...this is feeding my cookbook addiction.  I plan on making a few new recipes  beginning tomorrow.  Everything in here looks amazing!

Good food

Some of us (ahem!) haven't been eating perfectly lately.  So we are working to turn that around. 

Monday, April 4, 2016

Park day

Yesterday was a perfect day for the park.  The sun was out and we spent some time exploring the park and wild flowers.  My children did not want to look at the camera.  

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Park time

We had great weather on Monday and decided to get outside to the park.  It was unseasonably warm but we made it work. 

This is Lee Ann explaining she pulled up a small "plant"...really a weed.

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Giddy Up

Lee Ann had a rodeo day at school today.  She was super excited to wear her pink boots my aunt bought her. It was a BIG deal! 

Tuesday, March 8, 2016


This is a public service announcement about how much I love  I had a coupon code and thought I would try them out and they did an amazing job and the shipping was fast!  Great work!  They aren't sponsoring this post...I just think they are awesome.  

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Healthy lunch

I'm trying to eat a little cleaner at lunchtime.  As of late I am scarfing hummus and chips or a smoothie and then find myself starving an hour later.  So I'm working on new options.  I usually lift weights on Wednesdays and it has me extra hungry.  Today was kale salad with strawberries and mango and blacked chicken.  

Pizza night

My husband made pizza last weekend and it's the first time Henry has kept solid food down.  Hoorah!   The boy does eat his fair share of goldfish but time after time when offered real food it usually comes back up.  Pizza seems to have bridged the gap into solids and he's now eating table food with gusto.  

Wednesday, February 3, 2016


My cousin sent my mother and I the last season of Downton Abbey and it's so sad to say goodbye.  I've been watching old episodes on my iPad while working out on the stair master ...hoping that the intensity of the episodes will distract me from the exhaustion I feel exercising.  For the most part it's helping...


Our house has been hit with a terrible cold/virus/something.  All we have had are soups for about a week.  Kleenex has exploded everywhere and all of us are high on cold medicine.  Yesterday and today are the first days we've all started to feel normal again.

So Big!

I feel like everyone is growing really fast.  I blink and everyone is huge!

Wednesday, January 20, 2016


Somebody is very proud of their Lego skills.  She kept telling me "It's a puppy dog mommy!" referring to the top of her self built tower.  This photo was taken about two minutes before Henry destroyed her tower. 

Sunday, January 10, 2016


I'm on a mission to get rid of excess junk in our house.  This is just one of the four piles I got rid of this week and I feel so much better.  Lots of stuff we don't need and never use.  I actually kept the big blue ball as I can use it for exercise moves.  

Friday, January 8, 2016

New cookbook

Santa brought me this cookbook and it's turning out to be a winner.  Every recipe I've made so far is a hit.  And the best part is each recipe gives you a breakdown of the calories, fat, protein and carb count you are eating.  


My husband got me this for Christmas because I like poached eggs but hate making them in pots.  This is truly my favorite gift!  I use it every's amazing and it's easy to clean.  


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